Guide to Growing Roses

Think you know all about roses ? You might be surprised! In this video, Spring Hill Nursery's gardening expert speaks about growing roses, the plant's varied garden uses, types and more!


Hi, I'm Debbie with Spring Hill and today, we're going to be talking about America's floral emblem. That's right, the rose. You might be thinking, no, no, no, roses aren't for me, I'm just a beginner. Roses are for experts. That's what my grandma used to grow. Well, that's not true. Roses are for everyone. In fact, if you just think about roses as a blooming perennial shrub, then you'll be just fine. You know, there's no other perennial that comes in such an amazing array of colors, sizes, textures and end uses as the rose. For instance, if you want a cutting garden, you'll plant hybrid tea or grandiflora roses, or if you want a nice landscape effect, you could have floribunda roses. You want height in your garden? Put in some climbing roses! Or if you want a container garden, you'll have some miniature roses. Now if you're a beginner, you can put some really low maintenance shrub roses in like I have. This rose, Home Run, is very disease resistant and easy for beginners. And of course, when you think of the rose, you can't help but think of fragrance. But did you know roses actually have a variety of different fragrances? That's right, you can buy roses that smell like grape fruit, or that smell like clove or like licorice, lemon, fresh cut apple! There's a huge variety of different types of fragrances, so there's no reason why you shouldn't have a rose in your garden. It's a beautiful way to class up any perennial bed.