Collection: Shrub Roses

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These landscape roses are easy to care for and disease-resistant. We offer a variety of colors to choose from so you can add a pop of color to the landscape. You can even cut off the shrub roses for a nice floral arrangement.

When is the best time to plant shrub roses?

The best time to plant shrub roses is in spring, after the ground has thawed. You won't need to wait for the final frost date, but the ground should be workable so that the roots can settle in. Ideally, shrub roses should be planted just before they come out of dormancy, so that they can "wake up" in their new locale.

Where is the best place to plant a shrub rose?

Shrub roses prefer full sun. so make sure that your roses receive at least six hours of light per day. They also need a well-draining location, and won't grow well if their roots are wet. Choose a site where water is unlikely to pool. Luckily, shrub roses can easily handle numerous types of soil, so these roses can survive in dry or sandy spots of the garden, provided they have proper aeration and moisture.

Shrub roses, with their hardy nature, disease resistance, and heavy blooming, are useful in so many applications in the landscape. Anchor a corner of your favorite garden bed with a large shrub rose, or use several plants to create a screen or hedge. Don't be afraid to mix shrub roses and hybrids-the smaller, plentiful flowers of the shrub roses will create a pleasant backdrop for the larger flowers of hybrid teas and Floribundas. And, the repeat blooming of shrub roses ensures that something is always flowering in your garden.

How long do shrub rose flowers bloom?

Many shrub roses bloom continuously, meaning they rebloom all throughout the season. That continuous flowering takes place from late spring through fall, and you'll see many blooms at once. Other shrub roses bloom two times per season, with an early flush followed by a later one. Check the bloom expectations for your specific plant.

What soil and water care do shrub roses need?

Other than sunlight, soil and water are the two elements that best determine the health of your roses. So, what kind of soil do shrub roses need? Shrub roses, like most roses, grow at their best in loamy, well-drained soil with slight acidity. However, these roses tend to take hold in their soil more quickly than other rose varieties, and can handle clay or sandy soil. If you have heavy soil, be sure to amend the planting site with loam or organic material like compost.

Keep your shrub roses well-watered during their first season, making sure they water every two to three days. After the roses have become established, watering can decrease-shrub roses have excellent drought resistance. Water established shrub roses every week or so, and make sure to water at the base instead of on the leaves or flowers.

Do the flower colors of shrub roses have meanings?

Shrub roses bloom in a wide array of colors, many of which are quite complex. While these roses don't look exactly like traditional longstems, they're excellent cut flowers. And, just like hybrid tea, Grandiflora, or Floribunda roses, the colors of shrub roses have a few traditional meanings.

  • Red roses symbolize love and passion. Choose a spicy rose like Pink shrub roses, wth their laid-back nature and casual beauty, are the perfect gift for a friend or loved one.
  • White roses symbolize purity, innocence, and young love. What looks fresher or more lovely than pure white shrub rose with happy yellow eyes.
  • Yellow roses represent friendship and love, the bright joy of counting on someone else. Yellow shrub roses are a bit hard to come by, but create a striking hedgerow or border.

Of course, your own opinion of your flowers' meaning matters most! Luckily, there's a shrub rose for every landscape.