Carnations: Joy For Your Garden

Carnations are one of the most loved flowering plants in the world. The very presence of these elegant plants is enough to liven up the most somber of landscapes. Carnation flowers, though delicate, are surprisingly long lasting. They have an enthralling, clove-like aroma and come in nearly every shade of the rainbow. They’re a joy to behold and very useful as cut flower. If you’re looking to add a dash of joy and freshness to your garden, growing carnations is a great idea! Gardening with carnations is pretty exciting. You can grow carnations along the borders, add them to the perennial flower bed or use them to lend appeal to the edges… the choice is all yours! A sunlit spot with rich, well draining soil is perfect for planting carnations. Make sure to clear out the weeds before planting. Pack the soil firmly around the base of the plants and water well. Carnations are a bit claustrophobic. It’s therefore important to allow ample separation (at least 8-12 inches) between adjoining plants. A big reason why I’m so fond of growing carnations is their carefree culture. They have a good growth rate, need little maintenance and make for stunning visuals when they bloom! Carnations can easily survive and thrive on weekly irrigation. In regions subject to long dry seasons, you might have to water the plants a little more frequently. I usually fertilize carnations every 5-6 weeks, from spring to fall, using a general purpose fertilizer. Considering the delightful results I’ve been getting, I’m pretty sure I’ve got it right! Carnations bloom from spring to late summer. Pinching off the blooms just as they start to fade is an effective way of improving the bloom count and extending the period of bloom. Growing carnations is one blissful experience you must indulge in! Start now.