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Norway Spruce

A stately European transplant


Ships in Fall
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1 for $39.99
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1 for $39.99
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  • flowering dateNon-flowering
  • hardiness zone2-7
  • height40 - 60 feet
  • restricted statesAE AK AZ CA GU HI ID MT NV OR PR UT WA
  • ship as1-2 FT
  • sun exposureFull Sun
  • Support a variety of wildlife and birds
  • Rich green needles hold their color all winter long
  • Drought tolerance and resistance to disease

The Norway Spruce originates from parts of Eastern Europe and the Black Forest. As Europeans emigrated from the Old Country, so did this beautiful conifer—and we're so glad it's part of American landscapes today. An attractive, broad tree with a perfect pyramidal shape, the Norway Spruce is a Christmas favorite. The Norway Spruce grows rapidly, with the ability to reach heights over one hundred feet, but will typically grow between forty and sixty feet in cool and temperate climates. Due to its stature, this Norway Spruce works well as a privacy border or windscreen. If you're just looking for a statement evergreen tree, the Norway Spruce can serve as a lovely standalone, too.

Norway Spruces are also a hardy option for your landscape and can withstand snowfall and temperatures of up to -30 degrees fahrenheit. Thanks to their drought tolerance and resistance to disease, Norway Spruce trees can thrive for centuries. In addition to being an attractive evergreen presence in your landscape, the Norway Spruce tree even attracts wild songbirds.

If you're ready to take home this conifer today, be sure to check out our trees and shrubs planting guide!

Product Details

  • botanical namePicea Abies
  • flowering dateNon-flowering
  • foliage typeEvergreen, Rich green, 1/2 to 1 inch long needles
  • formTree
  • growth rateRapid-1.5 feet per year
  • hardiness zone2-7
  • height40 - 60 feet
  • restricted statesAE AK AZ CA GU HI ID MT NV OR PR UT WA
  • shipping seasonFall
  • ship as1-2 FT
  • soil requirementMoist, deep, slightly acid, well-drained
  • spacing40 - 60 feet
  • spread20 feet
  • sun exposureFull Sun
  • watering requirementAverage

Shipping Schedule

When will my order ship?

Plants will be shipped at the proper planting time for your area of the country during the shipping timeframes outlined below:

2024 Fall Shipping Schedule
Zone Most Dormant Bareroot & Potted Perennials, and Shrubs
3A-4B 9/2/24 - 10/25/24
5A 9/2/24 - 10/25/24
5B 9/2/24 - 10/25/24
6A & 6B 9/2/24 - 10/25/24
7A 9/23/24 - 11/8/24
7B 9/23/24 - 11/8/24
8A & 8B 9/23/24 - 11/8/24
9A-9B 9/23/24 - 11/8/24
10A-10B 9/23/24 - 11/8/24
Last Order Date Zones 3A - 6B: 10/21/24
Zones 7A - 10B: 11/4/24

    Norway Spruce

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