Jazz Up Your Shade Garden With These Three Must Haves April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team When you think about shade gardens, what comes to mind? Green, green, and more green? Well think again! It’s time to think outside the box and turn your plain ol’...
GET OUTSIDE AND PLAY…IN THE GARDEN! April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team Now that school is out, are your kids already bored? Sometimes it seems as though they’ll spend the entire summer just lounging on the couch! Can you win the battle...
Fireflies: Nature's Twinkle Lights April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team Who doesn’t love summer’s sparkling garden visitors? Fireflies, also known as lightning bugs and glowworms, are a delightful part of summer evenings; it’s no wonder we all clamor to attract...
Garden Cardio—Feel the Burn! April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team We all know that gardening is great for the body and soul. Working outside in the fresh air while soaking in the sun’s vitamin D is a great way to...
Floral Feasts — A Guide to Edible Flowers April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team Before there were supermarkets and convenience stores, people obtained their food through hunting and gathering. Mankind gradually learned to cultivate the plants that they had gathered in the wild. Back...
Dishing the Dirt - The Art of Composting April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team What will weed, feed, and water your garden, plus take care of your garbage without complaint? “The perfect teenager” is not the correct answer to this question. The correct answer...
How to Become Water-Wise April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team Watering is the most basic and necessary task of gardeners everywhere. With water resources becoming more and more scarce in many regions, it is important to know how to give...
Big Principles of Small Garden Design April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team What do viruses, atoms, and diamonds have in common? They are all tiny things capable of making a big impact. Similarly, a small, well-designed garden can be just as exquisite...
Daffodils: Heralding Spring April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team Daffodils? Who’s thinking about daffodils this time of year? Well, you should be if you’re looking to add early spring color to your garden. Yes, this is the ideal time...
October Garden Checklist April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team October is a magical time in the garden, as warm hues of golds, russets, and maroons emerge from the shadows. Green shrubs, which formerly kept their place as supporting cast...
Grow Beautiful Caladiums Year After Year April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team Caladiums are the perfect foliage plant for creating bold, bright colors in shady areas. Caladiums are considered annual foliage plants, and are usually tossed at the end of the season...
Grape Hyacinth: Singin' the Blues April 18, 2024Spring Hill Nurseries Team If you’ve ever planted spring bulbs, you know the joy they bring when they begin to pop up and herald spring’s arrival. But some bulbs are considered delicacies by our...